Thoughts and findings on making quality products

Bug Tracking Tool


Tailwind vs Bootstrap in 2024

Online Feedback Tool
In this article, we'll explore the key differences between Tailwind and Bootstrap, helping you decide which one is the best fit for your projects in 2024.
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By Harry Robinson • 20th August 2024

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Key Statistics on Bugs in Websites in 2024

Online Feedback Tool
This article explores key statistics on bugs in websites in 2024, shedding light on their prevalence, impact, and the measures businesses are taking to mitigate them.
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By Harry Robinson • 5th August 2024

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Strapi vs. Contentful in 2024

QA Improvement
This article will explore the key differences between Strapi and Contentful, helping you determine which is the best fit for your next project.
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By Harry Robinson • 1st August 2024

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The Invisible Toll: Mental Health of Developers

Optimising websites
The mental health of developers is a critical aspect that often goes unnoticed in the fast-paced world of software development. The constant barrage of bugs and negativity can take a significant toll on their well-being.
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By Harry Robinson • 25th July 2024

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Toggl Plan vs. LiquidPlanner

Online Feedback Tool
Both tools aim to streamline project management, they do so in different ways. This article compares Toggl Plan and LiquidPlanner, helping you determine which is the best fit for your team.
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By Harry Robinson • 17th July 2024

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Developing Resilience in Software Development

Top 10 QA tips
Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about developing the strength and flexibility to overcome them and grow stronger in the process.
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By Harry Robinson • 9th July 2024

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Why AI Won't Replace QA

Feedback Tool For Web Development
Here’s why the human element in QA remains irreplaceable and why AI, despite its advancements, won't take over the QA domain.
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By Harry Robinson • 10th June 2024

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How to Build an Effective QA Team

Optimising websites
Investing in your QA team’s development and fostering a collaborative culture will pay dividends in the form of robust, reliable, and user-friendly software.
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By Harry Robinson • 16th May 2024

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