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Browser Info Capturing

Capture your clients browser and device information automatically when they raise tasks

What data is captured?

Wave goodbye to the days of asking clients for their screen resolution and browser information

Browser / OS versions

Browser / OS versions

Browser and OS versions are instantly captured upon raising a task

Screen dimensions and color density

Screen dimensions and color density

Capture exact screen dimensions and screen color density

Javascript Error Reporting

Javascript Error Reporting

View any logged JavaScript errors at the time of the user raising a task

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Lighten the load

Device details at your fingertips

All the info your devs need, added automatically. Including browser and version, screen dimensions and OS version.

Raise tasks via a widget

Don't just take our word for it

Check out the device info and JS logging support on the video below

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14 day free trial

Full-fat features, free for 14-days

QA Specialists

Video support included in our minimum plan

Team Mates Included

Quick and easy set up, No card required

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