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How To Stay Fit as a Web Developer: A Complete Guide

By Harry Robinson4th December 2024

Profitable Development Agency
QualityHive Blog

Web development can be a demanding job. Most web developers and designers are working 37-40 weeks per hour, and let’s be honest, we all know this isn’t telling the full story. 

Whether you work for an agency or freelance, you may end up working more hours, including outside of normal working hours, to meet the demands of international clients and stringent deadlines. 

It has also become increasingly common in the web development industry for businesses to employ remote or work-from-home employees, which makes it easier than ever to spend days without leaving your home. Even if you commute to an office, the job typically requires sitting at the computer all day.

This can take an extreme toll on your physical health, leading to musculoskeletal issues such as cervical spondylosis, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and frozen shoulder. Some other common ailments include eye strain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and an increased risk of mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you want to stay fit as a web developer, you should incorporate exercise and a healthy diet into your daily habits. In this article, we’ll be looking into some easy exercises while sitting and an easy-to-follow nutritious diet for fitness for office workers in the IT sector. 

1. Ditch the Chair for the Exercise Ball

A good place to start, if you want to exercise while working from home, is to swap your chair for an exercise ball. Exercise balls can help improve your core strength, maintain good posture, and even burn calories. Constantly balancing yourself on the ball can keep your muscles active whilst preventing fatigue. This also makes working more fun than sitting on a chair.

Sitting on a ball is unlikely to be possible for the entire work day, but even trying it for an hour or two every day can be highly beneficial.

2. Choose Standing Desks Over Conventional Desks

Sitting all day can impact your lower back. To stay fit as a web developer, you can swap your traditional desk for a standing desk. Standing can help you maintain your posture, keeping back, neck, and shoulder pain at bay. It can also help improve circulation to your extremities, preventing numbness in your legs and feet. 

You’re more likely to take a short walk or stretch when you’re already standing rather than sitting. Invest in a desk that can be adjusted according to your eye level and offers a degree of inclination, making it more comfortable to use.

3. Incorporate Exercise Into Your Routine

The long working hours of web developers often make it difficult to visit a gym or step outdoors for exercise. But that doesn’t mean you can’t engage in any physical activity.

It’s possible to exercise while working at your desk (within reason; you won’t want your employer thinking that you’re slacking off). Some common upper-body exercises include:

  • Desk pushups

  • Neck stretching

  • Shoulder rolls

  • Arm raise

Here are some easy exercises while sitting for your lower body:

  • Ankle circles

  • Chair squats

  • Seated bicycle crunches

These exercises aren’t just intended for weight loss but, will also keep your body moving and prevent issues such as arthritis, spondylolysis, and fatigue. 

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4. Always Take the Stairs

Another simple way to keep fit without the gym is to take the stairs instead of getting the lift. Walking up the stairs can be great cardio and will help you burn more calories, especially if your office is located upstairs. 

Combine this with riding a bike to work or if you’re feeling super adventurous -jogging - if your office is near your home. To stay fit as a web developer, we recommend setting reminders in your schedule to take hourly breaks, stretch, or simply walk around your office or home. 

5. Don’t Forget to Keep Hydrated

As working professionals, we’re all guilty of choosing caffeine over water during the workday. This is especially true for people who work atypical hours or at night. But too much caffeine can be bad for your health, increasing the likelihood of insomnia, irritability, and rapid heart rate.

Staying hydrated is key if you’re reading up on fitness for office workers. Fill a large bottle with flavoured water (water mixed with slices of your favourite fruit), that you can keep sipping throughout the day.

6. Embrace the 20/20/20 Rule

Just as you need to exercise while working from home to keep your body physically fit, you’ll also need to look after your eyes. Web developers often have a higher screen exposure compared to most other professionals, and it’s common to suffer from digital eye strain, including dry or itchy eyes, blurred vision, and red eyes.

Try to incorporate the 20/20/20 rule into your workday. The idea is that after every 20 minutes, you should look away from your screen at an object about 20 metres away for 20 seconds. This will also help you to concentrate better and keep your eyes healthy.

7. Follow Meal Planning

One of the best ways to adopt fitness for office workers into your lifestyle is meal planning. To stay fit as a web developer, it’s important to watch what you eat. Set aside some time on the weekends or one weeknight to plan your meals and make a list of the ingredients you’ll need. You can then shop for groceries and even prepare your meals ahead of time, so you always have something healthy and nutritious to eat.

Wrapping Up

That wraps up our guide on how to stay fit as a web developer. Having the right work-life balance and tools can help you prioritise your mental health and personal life along with your professional commitment. 

Tools like QualityHive can help web developers streamline and speed up their work by enhancing the feedback process. Whether you’re a freelancer or an agency owner, our tool can help you communicate better with your clients, QA team, and product team. QualityHive makes it easy to obtain feedback, stay on top of its progress and allow for improved collaboration. When your work is streamlined, you find more time to concentrate on your physical and mental well-being.

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