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What is a Definition of Done?

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a critical concept in Agile methodologies, representing a shared understanding among the development team of what it means for work to be considered complete. This definition encompasses all the criteria that must be met for a user story, feature, or product increment to be accepted as finished. These criteria typically include aspects such as code being written, reviewed, and tested, documentation being updated, and any necessary approvals being obtained.

Having a clear and well-defined Definition of Done ensures that all team members have a consistent understanding of the quality and completeness required for their work. It helps in maintaining a high standard of work, preventing incomplete or substandard features from being released. By adhering to the DoD, teams can deliver increments of the product that are truly ready for production, enhancing the overall reliability and quality of the software. This shared agreement also facilitates better planning and estimation, as the team has a concrete benchmark for what constitutes a completed task.

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