
Bug Tracking Tool

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¿Cuáles son los tamaños óptimos de contenedores de sitios web?

Developers and QA
In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for selecting container sizes and breakpoints, helping you create designs that work...
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Por Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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Desarrollar la resiliencia en el desarrollo de software

Top 10 QA tips
Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about developing the strength and flexibility to overcome them and grow stronger in the...
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Por Harry Robinson • 9th July 2024

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Figma vs XD: ¿Quién es el ganador en 2024?

QA Improvement
En este artículo, compararemos Figma y XD desde una perspectiva de diseño, control de calidad (QA) y desarrollo, específicamente para...
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Por Harry Robinson • 6th February 2024

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Strapi vs. Contento en 2024

QA Improvement
This article will explore the key differences between Strapi and Contentful, helping you determine which is the best fit for your next...
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Por Harry Robinson • 1st August 2024

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Tailwind vs Bootstrap en 2024

Online Feedback Tool
In this article, we'll explore the key differences between Tailwind and Bootstrap, helping you decide which one is the best fit for your...
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Por Harry Robinson • 20th August 2024

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