Thoughts and findings on making quality products

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So integrieren Sie die Qualitätssicherung frühzeitig in den Entwicklungsprozess

How to improve your QA process
Shift-left testing represents a paradigm shift in software development, emphasizing the importance of integrating QA early in the process.
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Von Harry Robinson • 5th March 2024

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Sind Sie gut darin, den Unterschied zu erkennen? Erwägen Sie eine Karriere in der Qualitätssicherung

Starting a career in QA
In this article, we’ll explore why your talent for spotting differences can translate into a successful career in QA, and what it takes to thrive in this field.
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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So erkennen Sie Fehler auf Ihrer Website in verschiedenen Browsern

Designers Online Tool
With users accessing websites on a variety of browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, it’s essential to identify and fix bugs that might appear in one but not others.
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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Was sind die optimalen Website-Containergrößen?

Developers and QA
In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for selecting container sizes and breakpoints, helping you create designs that work seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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Figma vs. XD: Wer ist der Gewinner im Jahr 2024?

QA Improvement
In this article, we will compare Figma and XD from a design, quality assurance (QA), and development perspective, specifically for web development agencies.
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Von Harry Robinson • 6th February 2024

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Was ist Qualitätssicherung und warum ist sie so wichtig?

Online Feedback Tool
QA is an essential part of the development process that focuses on delivering a product that meets the required standards and provides a great user experience.
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Von Harry Robinson • 6th February 2024

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