
Bug Tracking Tool


Die unsichtbare Maut: Psychische Gesundheit von Entwicklern

Optimising websites
The mental health of developers is a critical aspect that often goes unnoticed in the fast-paced world of software development. The...
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Von Harry Robinson • 25th July 2024

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Figma vs. XD: Wer ist der Gewinner im Jahr 2024?

QA Improvement
In this article, we will compare Figma and XD from a design, quality assurance (QA), and development perspective, specifically for web...
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Von Harry Robinson • 6th February 2024

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Resilienz in der Softwareentwicklung entwickeln

Top 10 QA tips
Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about developing the strength and flexibility to overcome them and grow stronger in the...
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Von Harry Robinson • 9th July 2024

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Sind Sie gut darin, den Unterschied zu erkennen? Erwägen Sie eine Karriere in der Qualitätssicherung

Starting a career in QA
In this article, we’ll explore why your talent for spotting differences can translate into a successful career in QA, and what it takes...
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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So erkennen Sie Fehler auf Ihrer Website in verschiedenen Browsern

Designers Online Tool
With users accessing websites on a variety of browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, it’s essential to identify and fix bugs...
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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Strapi vs. Contentful im Jahr 2024

QA Improvement
This article will explore the key differences between Strapi and Contentful, helping you determine which is the best fit for your next...
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Von Harry Robinson • 1st August 2024

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Tailwind vs. Bootstrap im Jahr 2024

Online Feedback Tool
In this article, we'll explore the key differences between Tailwind and Bootstrap, helping you decide which one is the best fit for your...
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Von Harry Robinson • 20th August 2024

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Toggl Plan vs. LiquidPlanner

Online Feedback Tool
Both tools aim to streamline project management, they do so in different ways. This article compares Toggl Plan and LiquidPlanner,...
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Von Harry Robinson • 17th July 2024

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Was ist Qualitätssicherung und warum ist sie so wichtig?

Online Feedback Tool
QA is an essential part of the development process that focuses on delivering a product that meets the required standards and provides a...
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Von Harry Robinson • 6th February 2024

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Was sind die optimalen Website-Containergrößen?

Developers and QA
In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for selecting container sizes and breakpoints, helping you create designs that work...
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Von Harry Robinson • 8th February 2024

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Wichtige Statistiken zu Fehlern auf Websites im Jahr 2024

Online Feedback Tool
This article explores key statistics on bugs in websites in 2024, shedding light on their prevalence, impact, and the measures businesses...
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Von Harry Robinson • 5th August 2024

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